DolArtis-Med is investigating interactions between bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and artisanal fisheries in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, aiming to understand their ecological and socioeconomic dynamics.
We will describe how dolphins interact with artisanal fishing gear, particularly gillnets and trammel nets, and document the frequency and patterns of these interactions.
These interactions can lead to damaged gear and lost catch for fishers while posing direct and indirect associated risks for the dolphins. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for sustainable fisheries and dolphin conservation.
We will use photo-identification, acoustics, drone imaging and satellite tagging to characterise the drivers of these interactions. Our goal is to provide science-based insights to support the sustainable management of artisanal fisheries while considering dolphin conservation.
Over the past six years, the northwestern Mediterranean Sea has seen increasing conflicts between bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and artisanal fisheries, particularly during the annual trawling moratorium when dolphins turn to gillnet fisheries for food. This interaction damages fishing gear, reduces catch yields, and threatens the vulnerable dolphin population. To address this, the project will employ biologging and other innovative methods, such as drone monitoring and acoustic tracking, to understand dolphin behaviour, spatial patterns, and interactions with fishing activities. Collaborative efforts between multiple research institutions aim to help develop mitigation strategies that protect dolphins and support artisanal fisheries in the Mediterranean.
Key Objectives
- Identify spatiotemporal patterns: Analyse where and when bottlenose dolphins interact with artisanal fishing gear in the NW Mediterranean.
- Determine individual or group interactions: Identify specific dolphins or dolphin groups responsible for interactions with fishing operations.
- Assess fishing techniques and target species: Identify the fishing methods and species most affected by dolphin interactions.
- Monitor habitat use and movements: Use high-resolution satellite tracking to study dolphin responses to fishing activities and vessels.
Main outcomes
- Mitigation Strategies: Help to propose targeted measures to reduce negative impacts on both fishing operations and dolphin populations, balancing conservation efforts with fishermen's economic needs.
- Spatiotemporal Distribution Model: Creation of a predictive spatial distribution map of dolphin movements and their interactions with artisanal fishing gear, based on environmental covariates and advanced machine learning techniques.
- Behavioural and Habitat Insights: Comprehensive understanding of dolphin behavioural responses and habitat use derived from telemetry, acoustic monitoring, drone surveys, and fishing vessel AIS data.
- Innovative Data Collection: First-time satellite tagging of bottlenose dolphins in the western Mediterranean, providing high-resolution tracking data on movement patterns and interactions with fishing activities.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Creation of tools and communication materials for fisheries and authorities to help implement conservation measures and promote coexistence strategies between dolphins and artisanal fishing communities.
- Scientific Contributions: Production of an academic publication, outreach materials, and conference presentations to share findings of those human-wildlife conflicts.
Expected Impact
This project will significantly contribute to marine science by advancing our understanding of interactions between bottlenose dolphins and artisanal fisheries in the Northwestern Mediterranean. It provides Early Career Researchers (ECRs) with hands-on experience using cutting-edge biologging technologies, acoustic monitoring, and drone surveys, fostering essential technical and leadership skills while promoting collaboration across EuroMarine member organizations. The project aligns with global and regional priorities, supporting the UN Decade of Ocean Science and the EU Mission to Restore Oceans and Waters by addressing biodiversity conservation, sustainable fishing practices, and knowledge-sharing goals. By generating high-quality open data and exploring sustainable solutions to mitigate conflicts between fishers and dolphins, the project not only supports local marine conservation efforts but also provides a replicable model for addressing similar challenges worldwide.