Deadline: 28 Mar 2025
Published: 17 Mar 2025
The Project The aim of GLOBALSEAWEED-PROTECT is to achieve a resilient seaweed industry in Southeast Asia by taking a One Health approach. This will ensure that production systems are resilient to climate change, crops are healthy by preventing the introduction and spread of pests and disease, wild seaweed biodiversity and the wider environment are protected and enhanced, improving the long-term livelihoods of farmers and their communities, and providing a model for the rest of the world. The objectives, developed with our partners in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, are to build capability and capacity in and between countries in i) research innovation, ii) development of resilient crops, (iii) implementation of biosecurity management strategies and tool kits for improving seaweed health, and (iv) engagement with local communities, researchers, governments, industry and NGOs through ‘Sharing Best Practice’ workshops.
The Role
This role will be facilitating community led research, knowledge generation and sharing, towards developing sustainable seaweed aquaculture in Indonesia and Thailand, that protects their social-cultural environmental connections and local seaweed stocks. You will lead and undertake scoping research and co-design the research agenda with communities, researchers and partners to achieve the project aims of the GLOBALSEAWEED – PROTECT project; this includes co-designing outputs, community led roadmap/strategy for sustainable seaweed aquaculture in both countries and policy documents. You will further be expected to lead on academic outputs and reports for the work package, participate in online meetings (monthly) with country partners and attend in-person workshops and conferences throughout the project lifespan. In addition, you will be required to contribute meaningfully to the small social science team at SAMS, supervise students and give guest lectures.