
EuroMarine School on Ocean Transformation

The School is an opportunity to host a training workshop that will equip attendees with new knowledge and innovative approaches to address ocean challenges. A maximum of €20,000 is available for funding and the school is expected to be held in 2025. Learn more on the EuroMarine Summer Schools funded in 2024.

School Eligibility Criteria

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    Proposals must involve at least three Full Member Organisations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries.

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    The EuroMarine School should preferably be conducted in 2025; any desired exemption should be requested and justified in the proposal. Applicants are invited to specify the duration of the school. Activities may include (but are not limited to) lectures, workshops, on-site visits, field trips and lab-based research. Proposals are expected to contribute directly to the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development “the science we need for the ocean we want” program and the EU Mission “Restore our Oceans & Water”. In particular, the proposed topics should cover solution-oriented training and research activities addressing one or more of the global ocean challenges.

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    Physical (in-person) activities are preferred, and applicants should plan for in-person to be the primary mode of delivering the activities. Activities may also include a hybrid option for some participants who cannot attend in person.

Call for EuroMarine School on Ocean Transformation 2024

Call Preannouncement

21 Mar 2024

Call opens

15 April 2024

Call Opens:


30 August 2024

Deadline for applications

  • Applicants should refer to the full text of the call and the terms and conditions of funding (see documents below).
  • Applicants must submit a completed proposal template by email to both and before the specified closing date. All applications will receive a confirmation email acknowledging submission.
  • Proposals will be reviewed for scientific excellence by EuroMarine referees. The EuroMarine Steering Committee will make final decisions.
  • Activities funded by EuroMarine are open (within budget and logistic constraints) to all EuroMarine members. Each of the funded activities will be highlighted on the EuroMarine website and announced to EuroMarine members.

Application Process


Visit the EuroMarine Activities pages for an overview of current, and the outcome of previous, activities.