Our Organisation & Governance
Legal Framework
The EuroMarine network uses a mixed legal model:
EuroMarine Consortium
EuroMarine Association
Coordination and Hosting
From 2014 to 2021, EuroMarine was jointly coordinated and hosted by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France) and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, France). FromJune 2021 to July 2024, a partnership between the Technical University of Denmark (DTU, Denmark), the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR, Portugal), AquaTT UETP CLG (AquaTT, Ireland), and European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC, France) provided Coordination and Secretariat services for EuroMarine. In 2024, the new coordination team is composed by Mark J. Costello (NORD, Norway) and Simonetta Fraschetti (UNINA, Italy). The secretariat is now hosted by the EuroMarine Association.

Scientific Coordination of the network is shared between the EuroMarine Co-Chairs, Patrizio Mariani (DTU) and Isabel Sousa Pinto (CIIMAR). The Secretariat is led by EuroMarine Executive Director, Emma Bello-Gomez (AquaTT). Communications activities for the network are led by AquaTT and further financial and administrative support for the Secretariat are provided by EMBRC, DTU and CIIMAR.
The EuroMarine Consortium and Secretariat headquarters are hosted at AquaTT (Dublin, Ireland). The EuroMarine Association (French legal entity) is registered at the EMBRC office (Sorbonne University, Paris).
EuroMarine coordination and hosting activities are supported by the organisation’s membership fees. In addition, the EuroMarine Association actively seeks additional funding sources to further develop the network’s activities.
Governance and Organisational Structure

EuroMarine Co-Chairs
The EuroMarine Co-Chairs are responsible for proposing the strategy and action plan for the EuroMarine Network. They are in charge of drafting the annual budget and proposing scientific activities to the members.

EuroMarine General Assembly (GA)
The EuroMarine General Assembly (GA) is the main governing (and ultimate decision-making) body of the EuroMarine Consortium. It is composed of representatives from all member organisations, of which only 'Full' (contributing) members can vote. The GA meets at the beginning of each year to discuss the EuroMarine strategy and action plan, and to make decisions concerning EuroMarine membership, budget and annual funding calls.

EuroMarine Steering Committee (SC)
The EuroMarine Steering Committee (SC) is elected by the General Assembly. It has both steering and executive missions. The GA can provide a mandate for the SC to make or implement decisions. In addition, the SC adopts and revises the procedure used to select successful proposals submitted to annual EuroMarine calls and opportunities.

EuroMarine Secretariat
The EuroMarine Secretariat provides administration, coordination and communications support for all EuroMarine activities and member services.

EuroMarine Association
The EuroMarine Association is a legal entity that is responsible for financial administration for the network. It is comprised of representatives from four member organisations elected from the main Consortium General Assembly and supported by four elected positions within the Association Bureau: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary General.

Scientific Strategy and Plan
EuroMarine was established in 2014 as a bottom-up organisation to act as a voice for the European marine scientific community.